Title: Director, Manufactured Housing Initiatives
Paul Barretto is the Executive Director for LearnMH where he is responsible for the organization’s growth and strategic development as a resource for positive change in the offsite factory-built housing industry. He also serves as the Executive Director and Owner of Manufactured Housing Initiatives, a consulting group focused on the success of factory-built housing. Paul is recognized as a leader and influencer in factory-built housing based on his work in affordable and manufactured housing.
Prior to his roles with LearnMH and Manufactured Housing Initiatives, Paul spent 20 years at Fannie Mae in various roles in its Single-Family and Affordable Housing divisions including managing and developing its mortgage products as well as executing various strategic initiatives. Before departing Fannie Mae, Paul wrote its manufactured housing underserved market plan for the Duty to Serve, hosted the Future of Manufactured Housing forum, and developed its manufactured housing Single-Family business strategy.
Paul holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), graduated with an MBA degree from Mount St. Mary’s University, is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with the Project Management Institute, and is an Accredited Mortgage Professional through the Mortgage Bankers Association.