Title: Speaker, Author, Consultant
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: /kencorbinspeaker
Website: callkencorbin.com
Ken Corbin has a long and successful career in the manufactured housing industry. As president of his own company, there were more homes sold at Ken’s address than ANY other address ANYWHERE in the United States. That record still stands today.
Today, Ken travels throughout North America and has spoken to over 1,500 organizations; including over 800 communities, retailers, manufacturers, and associations in the manufactured housing industry.
His programs include:
Ken’s management and consulting firm focuses on helping clients “Sell MORE, Spend LESS, and Maintain BETTER Margins.”
He’s the author of 8 books on sales growth, personal and business management. His newest audio books, “Growing Your Business” and “Selling the American Dream of Home Ownership”, are each 10 hours in length.
Ken has his MBA from The University of Michigan and is an advisory consultant to the American Graduate School of International Management. He’s also on the board of trustees of Habitat for Humanity and is a Certified Management Consultant.